segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008

Monday, 11th February 2008

Today's lesson was very productive. The first section of this lesson coincided with a Senior School Assembly, thus not utilizing part of the time. As well as, when the lesson actually started, a member of our class, that has experienced working with Macromedia flash, showed the class some of the basics when working with this program. For these reasons, I did not have a lot of time to work on my individual project. Nevertheless, at the end of the class I managed to work rapidly so as to obtain the furthest amount of the Plan section completed. Due to the lack of time, I was not able to complete this portion of the project, however working effectively in the time available. For next lesson, my aim is to accomplish the completion of the entire plan section and commence the Create section, in which the actual copy of the promotional CD is done.

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