quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008

Wednesday, 27th February 2008

With another lesson comes another advance on my Olympic Games Promotional CD. Today, I researched about all the aspects that I am going to talk about on the various slides. I also worked on applying several propaganda techniques to my promotion. Examples of these are:

  • Bandwagon (convincing people that your side is the winning side by the number of people on your side)
  • Glittering Generalities (applying the conjunction of various powerful words, persuading people emotionally)
  • Testimonial (connecting a/more respected figures to an item or cause)

Today I also worked on making my promotional CD have a professional appearance, also so that people are convinced when going through it.

From my point of view, I worked well today and am going to be able to make a good job on this project.

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2008

Monday, 25th February 2008

In today's lesson, I am happy to share to you, I made a well-on advance on my promotional CD. Unfortunately, due to several factors that had not been predicted, has only 3 more lessons concerning IT.

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2008

Wednesday, 20th February 2008

Today I investigated the different possibilities and techniques comprised in Macromedia Flash, also managing to thoroughly work on my project, and advancing with the promotional CD. What I also did today was to state, descriptively, the various things that I am going to include in each page (with different themes all related to the Olympic Games). In my opinion I worked well today, for I was concentrated and worked efficiently, with the purpose of advancing on my project. My goal for next lesson is to work futher on the actual promotional CD.

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2008

Monday, 18th February 2008

In today's lesson, a couple of colleagues and I happened to be late for we had a Confirmation (religious) session, and lost track of time. Once I got to class (and apologized to my teacher), I began to work on my create section in Macromedia Flash. I also began to incorporate other computing tehniques into my Promotional CD, that I hitherto was not aware of. Nevertheless, due to some technical problems that arouse in the teacher's assembly presentation that isgoing to be presented on the following day, my colleague and I volunteered to help and for the continuation of the class were workin gon this project. For next lesson, my aim is to prepare every section of my Olympic Games Promotional CD, actually previous to transfering it to Macromedia Flash. This will be done with the purpose of utilizing the time more effectively. For next lesson, my aim is to work well and be concentrated.

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2008

Wednesday, 13th February 2008

As a matter of fact, in today's lesson I started to work on my create section (producing my promotional CD). Actually, this lesson was very productive, however I did not manage the completion of a lot of work. My aim for next lesson is to get a vaster amount of work completed, at the same time doing it professionally with the appearance of a profesional promotional CD.

segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2008

Monday, 11th February 2008

Today's lesson was very productive. The first section of this lesson coincided with a Senior School Assembly, thus not utilizing part of the time. As well as, when the lesson actually started, a member of our class, that has experienced working with Macromedia flash, showed the class some of the basics when working with this program. For these reasons, I did not have a lot of time to work on my individual project. Nevertheless, at the end of the class I managed to work rapidly so as to obtain the furthest amount of the Plan section completed. Due to the lack of time, I was not able to complete this portion of the project, however working effectively in the time available. For next lesson, my aim is to accomplish the completion of the entire plan section and commence the Create section, in which the actual copy of the promotional CD is done.

POLL: Chose the design that you most like


On the left of my blog you are able to see a poll that I posted, with the intention of knowing which idea board different people prefer. Please vote and, if you wish, comment on the message of the various idea boards. Thank you!

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2008

Give your opinion!

In the previous wednesday I completed three designs of possible introductory screens for my promotional CD with the topic of the OLYMPIC GAMES. Give me your opinion about which idea board you like best, so that I can chose my final design effectively! You can introduce comments on my blog [or even provide feedback personally]. Thank you.

Wednesday, 30th January 2008

In today's lesson we were meant to complete the design cycle of our project, which will lead to the completion of the plan section that is followed by the create section (where we are enabled of creating our themed promotional CD). In the previous message you will be able to see the three design possibilities for the introduction screen of my promotional CD. From my perspective, I worked effectively today, as I was fully concentrated in my work (due also to the fact that I had not still completed the design and beared in mind that I was required to complete it at the moment).

Due to the fact that today my teacher delivered my draft Investigation back, with sugestions for imrpovement, throughout the holidays I will be working on it so as to finally complete with full capacity. I will provide an information income to the blog when this work is effectuated.