segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2008

Monday, 14th January 2008

Today, we worked on the investigate section of teh Promotional CD project. As a matter of fact, the due date for the draft of the investigation is next lesson (wednesday, 14th) and, unfortunately, I wasn't yet able to finally complete any point of the investigation, however having worked at all. I plan to complete all four points of the investigation Tuesday afternoon, whilst making corrections and adding any extra information on the double lesson period Wednesday morning. Actually, the reason for which a large amount of work wasn't possible to complete was also because I am sick for around a week, preventing me from fully concentrating for a long period of time. My aim for the completion of the investigate section is to be capable of total concentration and processing my thoughts deeply and thoroughly. My focus on the promotional CD is the coming Olympic Games (2008), as well as the past ones and the history of the games. My promotional CD will also consist of why the Olympic games are extremely important for society, and how cultural interaction is benefitial for many.

1 comentário:

rddietrich disse...

Great use of the blog. I know exactly what is going on with you and your project. I think that the Olympics is a fab idea for a promotional CD.

Ms. Dietrich