quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2008
KITTEN PROBLEM: What advertising method should we utilize?
There are 3 white kittens that have to be given away. How should they be advertised?
From my point of view, thee kittens should be advertised via flyers, posters, or via the internet by sending an advertisement to random people's blogs. This cause should be advertised like so, for the fact that this cause is more personal as opposed to a big official campaign such as the Coca Cola Comapny. Flyers and posters would be quite useful since they would display an image of the three kittens (catching people's attention) and inform the people about what is meant with the advertisement. These could be delivered around the neighbourhood, and it would therefore interest the people more since it would be relatively easy to obtain them, and not a complication such as going out of town. This printed advertising method would be useful for this because this theme can be applied in many forms, being that it is easily advertised (for the factor of being considered "cute").
From my point of view, thee kittens should be advertised via flyers, posters, or via the internet by sending an advertisement to random people's blogs. This cause should be advertised like so, for the fact that this cause is more personal as opposed to a big official campaign such as the Coca Cola Comapny. Flyers and posters would be quite useful since they would display an image of the three kittens (catching people's attention) and inform the people about what is meant with the advertisement. These could be delivered around the neighbourhood, and it would therefore interest the people more since it would be relatively easy to obtain them, and not a complication such as going out of town. This printed advertising method would be useful for this because this theme can be applied in many forms, being that it is easily advertised (for the factor of being considered "cute").
segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2008
Monday, 28th January 2008
Today's lesson involved the continuation of the design and plan section, since these two sections are due next lesson. I deeply resent the fact that I was not very concentrated today, thus not accomplishing the completion of a great amount of work. I will, for this reason, be required to work at home.
quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2008
Wednesday, 23rd January 2008
In today's lesson, I was able to complete most of the design section, however necessitating work at home to complete it so as to give it in on time. The due date for this section (design), as well as for the plan, is next week, just before the carnival holidays. Generally, I worked relatively well today, since I was always concentrated on my work. I, therefore, managed to complete a fairly big amount of work. Also for the fact that I am working on a quite entertaining section (design), that allows one to be creative, original and to work even more diligently, I was able to get extremely focused on the work.
segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2008
Monday, 21st January 2008

Today, I was able to commence the design section of my promotional CD project about the advertisement of the Olympic Games. The first section of the design cycle consists of producing a brainstorm on Microsoft Visio 2007, and making three different plans, for further choosing. In this lesson, I was able to produce a relatively sufficient amount of work, nevertheless not completing as much as I planned. For next lesson, my aim is to be capable of producing vast amounts of work with quality. My wish for this project is that I effectively make the appropriate decisions and am able to create an entertaining, fun, eye-catching, informative and near-professional promotional CD.
Wednesday, 16th January 2008
In this lesson, I managed to complete the first draft of the investigate section, and handed it in for Ms. Dietrich to correct it. I worked effectively this class, and believe to have successfully produced a thorough investigation. Next class, my aim is to be fully concentrated on the design section and be able to effectively work out the design of my promotional cd.
segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2008
Monday, 14th January 2008
Today, we worked on the investigate section of teh Promotional CD project. As a matter of fact, the due date for the draft of the investigation is next lesson (wednesday, 14th) and, unfortunately, I wasn't yet able to finally complete any point of the investigation, however having worked at all. I plan to complete all four points of the investigation Tuesday afternoon, whilst making corrections and adding any extra information on the double lesson period Wednesday morning. Actually, the reason for which a large amount of work wasn't possible to complete was also because I am sick for around a week, preventing me from fully concentrating for a long period of time. My aim for the completion of the investigate section is to be capable of total concentration and processing my thoughts deeply and thoroughly. My focus on the promotional CD is the coming Olympic Games (2008), as well as the past ones and the history of the games. My promotional CD will also consist of why the Olympic games are extremely important for society, and how cultural interaction is benefitial for many.
quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2008
Wednesday, 9th January 2008
Today, we started working on the investigate section, as the issue involving the computers was already fixed. I was able to organize all my work, completing the gantt chart (with the plan for the process of completing this project) and research quite a lot for the points of my investigation. Unfortunately, my work today was not very fast.
terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2008
Monday, 7th January 2008
As a matter of fact, today's double period was not very successful. In the morning, an electrical problem occured, stricking about 2/3 of the computers in the Technology room. Most of the people were unable to produce any work, such as me. At the end of the second period, several people moved to room 10, where we were able to get some work done. Nevertheless, after about 20 minutes the room was required to be emptied because electricians had come to solve the problem. The new project that was proposed to us was about a promotional cd, promoting a cause. However, as no work was possible to be done today, we were not able to get 100% familiar with the entire project. I sincerely hope that next lesson we are able to get some work done and that the computers are already fixed. I also hope that I am able to properly concetrate and understand the assignment well, therefore also being able to complete it in a short period of time.
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