sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2007

Wednesday, 12th December 2007

Today, everyone in the class opted by completing a short Photo Story 2 publication related to Christmas. Photo Story 2 is a free Microsoft programme that can be downloaded from the site and enables people to create a story with a variety of images, narration and music. I thoroughly enjoyed working with this programme also for the fact that I love the theme we were working with, and managed to introduce the well-known poem by Clement C. Moore into my presentation. I am also thinking of downloading this programme at home, as it can be very benefitial and interesting.

"Happy Christmas to all,
and to all a Good night!"

('Twas the night before Christmas, by Clement C. Moore)

segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2007

Monday, 10th December 2007

Today, we completed a very small investigation about Copyright infringements, which covered how images and sources can be utilized without breaking the Copyright Law. This project was very enlightening, for I was not aware that the regular images that come up in the various search engines have such specific Laws. Also, because I discovered what these laws actually are. Certain URLs allow the reproduction of their images, however with some restrictions. These restrictions were fundamentally:

  • Must be utilized for educational purposes only
  • Proper Reference must be included
  • The content may no tbe modified

I believe that I was quite focused on my task today, and managed to complete the work early. Next lesson, where we will be focusing on the new Microsoft Publisher, my aim is to be equally motivated and involved in the work, such as I was today.

Wednesday, 5th December 2007

Today, we completed a lesson plan by Microsoft Office that taught us the various steps to complete a graph/ chart in the new Microsoft Excell Office 2007 programme. In my opinion, this type of programmes are absolutely necessary, since we do not thoroughly know how to function with the new Microsoft Excell.

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2007